Federation 4th General Assembly and Election

Federation 4th General Assembly and Election

Federation 4th General Assembly and Election

Federation 4th General Assembly and Election

Established with the slogan “..for nature, adventure and culture”, the fourth general assembly of the Mountain Sports Federation- Nepal was held on May 29 2018.The general assembly and the election was conducted in the presence of Minister of Youth and Sports, Hon. Jagat Bahadur Bk in  the Arniko resort in dhulikhel of kavre district.

The program was addresseed by General secreatry of NOC- Mr. Lama Tendi Sherpa, Mayor of Dhulikhel Metropolitian City -Mr Ashok Byanju, Head of NSC association epartment- Mr. kul Bahadur Thapa including other guests.

The General Assembly has passed three types of programs annually; Short-term, Mid- term and long-term and has also amended the constitution of the federation.

The General Assembly has also formed an executive committee under the supervision of Federation President Mr. Govinda Bhattarai.